Dear Nigerian Youth, All is Well. I just felt I should remind us that we are greater than the pains and trying times we are passing through. A friend said something, "Nigeria is in the Labour Room" the New Nigeria will soon be birthed. While we mourn, Let's do what our leaders never expect us to do - Let us solidify our resolve to Make A Difference with every opportunity we ever get to lead in this country. Somewhere deep in their minds, they believe we will get tired and forget about this. They think it will be yet another social media ginger that will die down with time. Let's show them that they've messed with the wrong generation. But, Let our strategy not match their expectations. Let our strategy not suit their trap or compliment their smartness. Its painful that it's taking the lives of innocent souls. It hurts so much that they died in defense of a just course, in the full regalia of patriotism. It's tough t...