TIRED OF THE STATUS QUO!!!

‘’…Deep down in despair, bartered by confusion , disgusted by a repeated lack of success, confused by uncertainty, mesmerized in efforts trying to understand the reasons for the moral bankruptcy. Hmmm yet it seemed as though the status quo (Problem) just can’t be changed.’’
‘’ With repeated attempts to pass a particular examination. Failed efforts to cross life’s hurdles. Settling in this mess seems to be the ideal decision’’. #JustThinking……

Those words above have characterized the life of many and formed their default reaction to life situations.
Many don’t even see the need to create a change around them again because they feel frustrated about just doing anything new. Many take pleasure in reading other peoples profiles, updates of their great ventures, cheering, criticizing (most times) their actions yet not giving a single second to think of how to positively create the change they want.
  • Come to think about it…
  • Can we really be better than we are today without considering the need for a change?
  • Will a car tyre get flat when parked on a particular surface WITHOUT being tired of being there?
  • Can we ever soar higher without first, being uncomfortable with where we currently are.

Life is filled with more!!! But we just can’t get higher unless we are tired of the status quo (The mess we are in).
Tired of just receiving, wants to give
We can’t be change agents unless we have identified a problem that needs a change. We can’t even change the situation unless we have gotten tired of it. Many things don’t just happen until we crave for them.

We seek to change our world. We crave to touch some lives, we want to stop some very bad habits, and we want to change some bad lifestyles. We want to be a voice of revolution. We see a lot that pisses us off! We complain often about the inconsiderate government and wish we were there. We get jealous about many people succeeding around us while we keep failing to achieve the same thing they achieved. We keep wishing to be there yet limit ourselves by our actions, thoughts and decisions. We find ourselves giving excuses of how lucky ‘he/she’ is and how unlucky ‘we’ are!............YET with these concerns, WE still REMAIN in THE STATUS QUO #Sad.
Get tired of the status quo!!!!
Prince Agbata happened to be one of my closest friends whose actions propel me to think of creating change more than ever. He saw how many Ghanaians in the rural areas were deprived of quality education yet adjudged with the same standard as their colleagues in private institutions. He got tired of such unfair reality and His disgust about the status quo Gave birth to an initiative IDEA AFRICA, that practically stands to aid educate the rural folks!

Dr Ola (CEO Flying Doctors http://www.flyingdoctorsnigeria.com/), got tired of the mortality of citizens who couldn’t afford an air ambulance from neighboring West African countries to take care of their medical emergencies. Hence she founded the organization called Flying doctors that takes care of this today in Nigeria.
The List goes on…..OH how being tired of a status quo (Problem) can ignite the passion for a change.


  • You feel uncomfortable with the wrong way thing are in your environment and life
  • You feel disgusted about remaining in an environment and mind-set that doesn’t suit your dream
  • You understand clearly how unique your life has been created to be and aim towards getting there
  • You give yourself to personal development for the future ahead
  • You think global and act local
  • You passionately create a platform to impact the lives of others without seeking for material gains
  • You get propelled to aim higher and never give up
  • You have a hope that keeps you standing thru the gory storms of life.

And when you get to this point, ideas to scale higher, clouds your thoughts. Uncommon passion to speak, live, react and act towards change subconsciously takes over your mind.

...You really need to get tired of the status quo, because there’s got to be more than you have seen, can be and know…


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