His Truth, Your Truth, The Truth!

Dear friend, Every story you hear from someone about someone else have these 3 sides to it. The truth of the teller, the truth from the third-party and the Real Truth! Until you understand this, you may always lose value, worsen relationships, or make wrong decisions that will affect your sense of judgment. It's true we live in a world of relationships, times when we get closely attached to some persons than the other. We live in a dispensation where we seem to be positively biased towards people who matter so much to us. Yet we must learn to go the extra-mile of hearing ALL the sides to a story before making decisions, drawing conclusions, or placing judgments. Tosin complained bitterly about how insensitive and cruel Dayo has always been towards her recently to her Mother. She sobbed so hard and was explicit in her description of various times when she had been embarrassed by his actions. Being the only daughter of Mrs. Ade, her mother got quite f...