Hello 21 st century! Why have your terrain redefined our world and perception of morality? Why have you comfortably harbored individuals basking in the euphoria of a murdered moral stand point? Why has silence to abnorms pleased you enough that you don’t even visit it with distaste? Those three questions have burdened my heart so much that I wish I could find a reliable answer for it. Not just an answer, but a solution that can turn things around. In the wake of the millennium, we were greeted by the wave of a new global aspiration –The need for Globalization. We embraced it on the grounds of its necessity and ability to reflect the equality of every member of the human race, but today, things have taken a major turn. We have questioned stereotypes so much that we have framed new pathways for ourselves without x-raying why the fences we have pulled down where there in the first place. We have philosophized ourselves into the idea of relativism so much that we ...