Don't open that site. Even the name hints you about it's content. Your conscience pricks you about clicking. You may say it's a pop-up, Oya close it please!
Don't shout at that (Wo)man. S(he) doesn't deserve it. There are better ways you could express your displeasure. Even though they are wrong, please for the sake of the age calm down. Take chill pills. You've gat a future and many toes you'll mistakenly step on.

Don't say that word. You know how deep it hurts. You understand how suicidal it could be. Even if he/she fits that description what will you gain if your words cost him his life? You know how untrue that word is. They even told you of how uncertain they were during the gossip section. You know this is pure propaganda and slander. Why use your words to fuel a fire. Words are powerful, like charged grenades unleashed with rage.
Dont do that. Yes I mean you. Calm down. I know you're desperate and Frustrated. It's true that you've tried so hard to avoid it. You've got friends telling you to go ahead. Somewhere deep in your heart, you're convinced that it's the wrong choice, but revenge draws your spirit like an electric shock to a body plugged to a transformer. You've held on long enough to give up at this point. Don't stab him. Don't rob him. Don't suffer him. Don't attempt to take that life. Take chill pills. Count 1 -10 before reacting to that annoying action.
I don't know in particular who these messages are for, but please, if you're the one this is speaking to. Please listen to my noble plea.
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