Something happened yesterday that I just thought about and felt I should share with you. I decided to put on one of my nice Senator outfit. The particular one that each time I put it on, I feel like I am already sitting on a business class of a plane going to Edinburgh. In my usual manner of Making A Difference, I decided to head to the Rivers State NYSC orientation camp, (where I have been carrying out some necessary voluteering duties,) for church service. Then this young "Otondo" met me. With a calm and lovely smile, he said: " Sir you've gat a nice senator outfit, Do you know I can help you make one more lovely than this? " I immediately responded with my $10,000 smile saying a big thank you to him. Just before the iintensity of the smile reduced, he went further to say; "And all I need is your material, and to borrow a sewing machine from one of the tailors at mami, and I'll get done in less than 48hours" That one hit me deeply, that imme...