Something happened yesterday that I just thought about and felt I should share with you.

I decided to put on one of my nice Senator outfit. The particular one that each time I put it on, I feel like I am already sitting on a business class of a plane going to Edinburgh. In my usual manner of Making A Difference, I decided to head to the Rivers State NYSC orientation camp, (where I have been carrying out some necessary voluteering duties,) for church service. Then this young "Otondo" met me. With a calm and lovely smile, he said:

" Sir you've gat a nice senator outfit, Do you know I can help you make one more lovely than this? "

I immediately responded with my $10,000 smile saying a big thank you to him. Just before the iintensity of the smile reduced,

he went further to say; "And all I need is your material, and to borrow a sewing machine from one of the tailors at mami, and I'll get done in less than 48hours" That one hit me deeply, that immediately I responded,

" I've got a material for senator, yet to be sewn, what is your price ?"

That was how we struck the deal and exchanged contacts.

Truth be told, what attracted me to signing a business deal with the young man was not because he knew how to sew a good designers senator wear, by the way I hadnt seen any of his works before now. It was actually his ability to COMMUNICATE his skill and expertise. It was his also his MANNER OF APPROACH to me, a potential client, that made me cal a close-by friend, to consider the young mans entrepreneurial vibe.


Communication stands you out in whatsoever you do. It helps the world to know that this is who you are and that you can give value to their needs. Yes communication is not everything, especially when you can convince someone to run away from your value, because in action it differs from what its being said, however, good communication is 60% what you need to land good deals, and build great influences that will help you beyond today.

The little time I've spent in the radio as an OAP with Radio Rivers, has thought me a whopping lot about the power of words and how intriguing your influence can be if you learn to communicate well. 

The other issue of manner of approach is something we all need to consciously work onn until it becomes part of our subconscious. Uncle no matter how high your chilless choleric trait is, dont forget, there is a sanguine trait in it... utilize it. Smiling does not disfigure your face. Understanding things from peoples perspective does not make you an unstable (wo)man. Giving a listening ear to the both parties in a case, does not mean you arent smart enough to decipher. Being polite in correcting someone, does not make you a weakling. Appreciating the beauty of creation does not make you less Holy, you only derail when you let lust lead your motive. Responding to situations rather than reacting is what saves the day.

I'm burdened with raising great communicators who will help build a generation of impact and value. Feel free to connect with me lets Make a greater difference.

Should you have any scenario to paint and get clarity about what to do, or question to ask, don't hesitate to ask yours truly.



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