PLANNING 4: Think Big! The Bigger the better!

In concluding, this Planning series, am sure we must have gained some knowledge of what we need to Plan , make our plans work and make a difference. This is coming more like a summary of what we have discussed so far.

I remember when I was in high school, our Vice Principal Academics would always make us recite this words;

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ...

Those words affected my perception to life and how I chose to exist in my generation. It made me to understand that 3 Sets of achievers exist in the achievers world,
- The No achievers
- The Average achievers and
- The Extraordinary achievers.

The No Achievers are those who sit and watch things happen, they dance to the wind wherever it blows. They sit and complain about how bad everything is. They manage the future they've found themselves in. They live on loans sometimes, and at the other times they just make money and spend at the same time. This are people who don't even understand their statusquo not to talk of being tired of it. The No-Achievers believe that what ever will happen has been preplaned and cannot be altered. They envy the rich, lay accusation on those who are flourishing and yet praise them when the dash them cash. They prefer your money to the connection you want to give them. They insult you on top of your generosity when what you gave them is not sufficient to the want. They are those youths who never value opportunities and consider others who pursue opportunities as time wasters, but only regret when the see the glory of others. They sit down and achieve nothing! The bitter truth about this category of persons is that, they have every resources they need to leave this cadre and become more meaningful in life.

The Average Achievers are those who make minimal efforts to attain basic needs and leave others to chance. They believed so little in hard work and they give up very easily. They are those people you meet in night class who read till their biscuit is finished, chew their gum till their friends are going and stand to leave just because others are leaving. They have targets sometimes, but unfortunately, they rarely meet it because of challenges. They can think big for Africa, but most times, it ends up being a Pipedream as they do little or nothing to pursue this dreams. Once they hammer (get rich) they sit back to spend this money without minding if more will come or not. They are very comfortable with little even when more is legitimately possible and attainable. They follow their plans when its convenient as leave it when its not. They are easily carried away by distractions. They find time management very difficult and demanding. They always need a push at every point in time to take a step.

The Extraordinary Achievers are those who go the extra mile. They don't understand impossible especially when there are 25 other alternatives! They feel unhappy with themselves when they don't attain set out plans, and they work very hard towards achieving it. These set if people can be annoyingly optimistic and weird risk-takers. They don't understand the reason why they shouldn't get the best when its attainable, irrespective of how much you try to convince them. They are very principled when it comes to achieving a task, they can be very social to when socialization calls. They grab every opportunity that comes their way and makes something unique out of it. Even when they face challenges, they seek for alternatives and bounce back strong... They are strong believers in Faraday's Quote ( about trying till you get it right). They keep tack of their progress and plan for bigger expansions. They are goal setters and getters. They don't take risks that doesn't scare them. They do things that seems abnormal to common thinkers. They understand their statusquo, are tired of it and crave for more! They want to pass that exam with exceptional excellence, they want to make not just an "A" that is 70% but 90% A. They set the pace and help others come along.

Hmmmm... Do know what?

The truth is, there are more to the descriptions of each category I listed up there. None of them is perfect per say, there is a category that makes more sense in the world. You may argue that not everybody can be an extraordinary achiever, but I beg to ask, why can't YOU be among those few that are extraordinary. By, the way, what stops anyone from ,moving from a "No-Achiever" to an "Extraordinary Achiever" if not his choice.

The interesting part of life is that we decide who we want to be and where we want to be. We have available all that pertains to Life and Godliness as children of God (Unless you don't have a relationship with Him). To make a difference, you must consciously take the decision to, and pay the painful price it requires. Each of those categories have a level of sacrifice one has to make to attain and remain in them, what stops you from taking the best choice.

Until we develop the habit of thinking Big, Bigger and Bigger, we will find it difficult to climb higher and make exceptional impact. Create the big picture, and do your best to get to it. Learn to be tired of your status quo so long as there can be more to it.

Make your plans Bigger, your efforts greater, then you'll see the outcome Better than ever!

Thanks for joining me on this series on PLANNING. Keep Visiting the page. Please share with your friends whom you love and whom you want to make a difference in their generation.

PS: A comment from you is more than enough to bless more lives!


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