Entering a new year with purpose is the best thing that can ever happen to any young mind who wants to make the new days and seconds of the year count effectively.

The challenge of living up to expectations. The fear of looking back without regrets at the end of the year, the worries of how much time to give to a particular area of personal development, and the clumsy thoughts of what kind of value to add to lives and how best to claim God’s blessing for the year stares us all at the face.

You see!!! It is usually very tough to tow a new path. The outcome is usually very uncertain to the point that it makes us think so hard sometimes unconsciously. Do you remember how fearful facing WAEC exam seemed to you after your first term test in S.S 3? Or the state of your mind each time you remembered JAMB was few weeks ahead and yet you had not covered up? This feeling is natural, regular and always there each time our mind is not yet prepared to face a daunting task ahead.

365days is a whopping lot of time to re-write histories, change perspectives, transform personalities, grow financial strength and turn the uneven tide that has challenged your progress. But great friend, you must enter with a firm resolve to make this year count for you.

Your success in any venture is determined by 80% conscious decisions you take and 20% unconscious choices that you make. The journey through a new year demands your conscious efforts towards greatness if that is your end-game-expectation. You need to have your Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) as well as your Action Plan Chart (APC).
A well articulated P.D.P helps you to clear define what and what should be the elements of your success in 2017, while you’re A.P.C helps you with the step-wise process to achieving them. Your P.D.P’s includes;

  • ·        The number of books you want to read,
  • ·        Conferences/Summit/Seminars you want to attend.
  • ·        Level of impact you want to make
  • ·        Mentors/Coaches you want to meet this year,
  • ·        Training and Skills you hope to acquire this year,
  • ·        Places you want to visit,
  • ·        And other personal development plans you want to accomplish this year.

The value of this decision lies in the level of consciousness and propulsion it ignites in your sub-consciousness to actualise all those plans. It helps you build strong resistance against the challenges that will surely come your way this year. Its awakens your sensitivity to the fact that there must be a story to tell about the glory that your success will bring, and helps you live every second meaningfully.

Your A.P.C defines the breakdown of this plans into Weeks, Months, Quarters and half of the year as necessity and your ability demands.

Friends remember, heights attained by great men were not made by sudden flights, but while their comrades slept at night, they worked their fingers to their bones. To achieve maximum success in 2017, It demands your hard-works, smartness, logical decisions, actionable plans and more importantly, a strong relationship and fellowship with GOD the creator of success. You must endeavour to start and continue the year with God if your very second must count and your success last thru the storms.

Greatness lies in you, don’t settle for an ORDINARY 2017, when the resources to make it EXTRAORDINARY are at your limitless proximity and usability.

Happy New Year Quintessential breed!


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