The Power of Words (1)
Derrick was a linguistic student who graduated with a first class grade from a prestigious institution. He decided to pick up a job with a media company as an Editor. Two weeks after he got the job, the company started experiencing a decline in their sales. The management tried to improve graphics contents, enrolled their marketers for some 3days professional marketing, yet there was no improvement in customers interest.
On the grounds of passing-comment, one of the management staff decided to read one of the recent publications, and also ask some customers about their constructive criticism on their products. The response and findings of this BOSS rescued this big firm from bankruptcy. -The choice of words suddenly became obsolete, less persuasive and unappealing to readers. Derricks' poor choice of word skill was the canker!
Have you ever regretted saying something to someone the way you said it?
Have you ever felt wrongly spoken to due to the words the speaker used, even though he/she was right?
Have you ever felt pained at the outcome of a choice you made, only to find out after much struggles that you were misled by the words you read?
Words have power and how you say them affects the nature of outcome it will produce. This is the reason why people go the extra mile of hiring editors, to ensure that the best choice of word is used to pass the right message.
Next time you want to ask for a favor, think of the best words to use.
Next time you want to criticize an action, think of the best words that will bring about positive impact.
Words are powerful. Words fitly spoke drives away wrath, and causes a positive change!
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