Have you ever wondered why no one teaches you Algebra without first teaching Arithmetic? Why when you want to produce liquid soap, you're told to stir in one direction only after putting some chemicals in a specific order? Why you need to pass High school exam before going into College? Why the sun comes out in the day and not at night? Why you need to have foundational knowledge of human biology before you can comprehend neurology?

I am sure that experience has taught you, how much loss you incur jumping the order of natural course. The truth remains, Knowledge is build from piece of interconnected information that make sense when received in the right order. There are a lot of information you may come across today that will never be useful for you, until you have gotten some other level or experience or knowledge. This is so because we live in a world where order makes things fit. We have a brain built on the principle of orderliness. We have a mind that best work when served with ordered information. The fact is, Order is key in understanding, and Understanding is the bedrock of Success.

Lets bring this into leadership!

My field of study taught me something very important in solving any problem -Algorithm. Without knowing the step by step process that should be involved in achieving a goal, you will run into several errors and bugs that will frustrate your programming life. For every problem you identify and want to solve as a leader, you must ask yourself, '' What is the first thing to be done if this must work?'' You must seek to know the flow of actions and events and the best way to make them work. That is what we define as putting things in Order!

If you must succeed in business or leading an organization, you need to have a plan and let all components of your goal have their place and time. You need to not only understand what works, but also, in what combination does it work better. You need to have a timeline of events as much as possible and work with it. Orderliness does not trample flexibility, but it enhances focus and facilitates accomplishment, with little or no room for regrets and wastage of time.

You will kill your aspirations in life if you focus on developing only one area. Many are scared that they cannot be whom they wish to be, due to their level of numerous, necessary engagements. But suffice me to s
ay, a well planned life and ordered goals culminate into great success that makes you a more intellectual personality.

If there is any prayer you'll need to make as a potential leader, current leader, Progressive leader in whatsoever leadership class, it is this " That you may have the wisdom to order your life and timeline, in the best manner that solves the puzzles of life quicker and smarter for generational impact and Value addition." 


PS: Are you a young youth in Nigeria and you are interested in volunteering for sexual health campaigns? There is an opening for such opportunity, please send a message to this email indicating your interest (Between December 2017 - January 2018).


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